Learn to Fly in College

Did you know you can learn to fly while in college? CTI Professional Flight Training offers two programs designed especially for students who want to earn their wings while earning a degree. There’s never been a better time to learn to fly than now. Pilot training requires a lower financial investment compared to other professions with…

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College Programs at CTI Professional Flight Training

College Programs at CTI Professional Flight Training

Students: Check out our College Programs at CTI Professional Flight Training There are various routes to become a commercial pilot, but our college programs at CTI Professional Flight Training can give you the very best prospects for a successful career ahead. Read on to find out about our college programs at CTI Professional Flight Training…

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CTI: A Flight Training Affiliate of Liberty University

Flight Training Affiliate of Liberty University

Did you know we’re a Flight Training Affiliate of Liberty University? If you want to learn to fly and also have dreams of earning your degree, you might be interested to know that CTI Professional Flight Training is a Flight Training Affiliate of Liberty University! What is an FTA? As an FTA, we work alongside…

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Learn to fly while still in college

learn to fly while still in college

Learn to fly while still in college for the best of both worlds! Did you know it’s possible to learn to fly while still in college? It is at CTI Professional Flight Training, with our two bespoke programs designed especially for students who want to earn their wings while they earn a degree! Why learn…

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